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The PAC Lab is dedicated to the study of physical activity/exercise in individuals living with or affected by a cancer diagnosis. Our research examines how physical activity/exercise can help prepare patients for surgery/treatment (prehabilitation), better cope with and respond to treatments, recover from treatments (rehabilitation), and improve progression-free and long-term survival.

Our VISION is to make physical activity and exercise a part of standard cancer care. 


Our MISSION is to optimize the use of physical activity and exercise in cancer management and recovery. 


What can I expect? 

The PAC Lab is housed within the Department of Medicine in partnership with Dr. Chris Blanchard

Research Projects

Follow the links below to learn more about our ongoing research projects and how to get involved. 

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Activating Cancer Communities through an Exercise Strategy for cancer Survivors (ACCESS) is a 12-week exercise study for individuals living within the Halifax Regional Municipality. 

EXercise for Cancer to Enhance Living well  (EXCEL) is 12-week exercise study for individuals who live outside of the Halifax Regional Municipality. 

Caring for Caregivers (C4C) is a 12-week exercise study for individuals living with a cancer diagnosis and their primary family/friend caregiver. 

RESISTance exercise for brain cancer (RESIST) is a 12-week exercise program for individuals living with glioblastoma.

PrehAbilitatioN in AdvanCEd ovArian cancer (PANACEA) is a 4+ week exercise study for individuals preparing to undergo surgery for advance ovarian cancer. 


Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer is a 12-week exercise study for individuals living with muscle invasive bladder cancer. 

5th Floor Dickson Building - QEII Health Sciences Centre


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